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About BGPS

We are considered the Best School in Saharsa

Before you begin to know about us we would like to get you acquainted with the school ecosystem of Saharsa, Bihar.
There are many schools in Saharsa district right from tiny to large. In general, Schools of Saharsa district can be categorized in five types.
a. CBSE Affiliated Government Schools like Navoday Vidyalay and Kendriya Vidyalay.
b. CBSE Affiliated Unaided Private Schools.
c. Schools Affiliated by Dept. of Education Govt. of Bihar having Praswikriti. These schools take 25% students of disadvantaged and deprived category in class I as per provision of RTE Act 2009.
d. Unaided Private Schools Affiliated by State Govt.
e. Unaffiliated Schools. There are mushrooming unaffiliated schools in Saharsa, Bihar at every nook and corner having inadequate infrastructure.
f. Please be informed that BGPS will ask Permanent Education Number (PEN) for your child. From Session 2023-2024 Govt of India has generated PEN Number of every child and linked it with Aadhar Number. Without PEN number your child in not in the record of Government.

Quality of education ranges from poor to preety high in Saharsa. For instance Benevolent Global Public School (BGPS) is famous for its rich education system as compared to other schools in Saharsa, Bihar. Benevolent Global Public School imparts coding classes which is not taught any where in any school of Saharsa, Bihar.
Benevolent Global Public School has also developed many indiginous processes to capture the realtime data and data gets disseminated to the stakeholders at realtime. We believe in automation therefore, we have automated many tasks and attempted to create a paperless schooling system.
We have stake in Edumitra ERP software. This software has matured in the environment of Benevolent Global Public School and today it is one of the leading School Management ERP Software.

We are a Technical School

Benevolent Global Public School (BGPS) was established in Year 2009. We are an English Medium and follow CBSE Pattern. School is affiliated with Dept of Education Govt of Bihar vide Praswikriti No: 0044/2014. School is managed and run by Sheikh Mohammad Azizullah Memorial Trust, Saharsa.

We are different than other schools in many ways due to our Processes and Practices. mentioned below
1. We are a Technical School. Our all the processes are automated and paperless. Parents will be required to use our App for the communication with the school.
2. We use many tools and technologies to impart education like Audio Visual Classes, Online Exams, Educational Apps for Complete Data Sharing with Parents.
3. We impart Coding Classes and Personality Development Classes from Standard I onward to enhance Problem solving abiity, Software development knowledge, Communication skill, Public speaking skill in children.
4. Our teachers get trained by the director of the school to take classes as per our standard processes.
5. We have a Quality Control and Quality Assurance Team aiming to ensure the improvised quality teaching.
6. Students are made to speak english in day to day activities in the school. School conducts various programs at regular intervals and students are asked to host these programs.
7. We give a lot of project work / assignments to raise confidence of the students. In due course of project and assignments students amy be required to search and surf internet. Parents will cooperate and will provide necessary support in this regard.
8. Parents are required to download our App from Google Playstore to get maximum control on the progress of their children.
9. Our attendance system is completely automated using RFId attendance system.
10. We are in a safe and secure campus encompassing more than 20000 sq ft. area with 80 CCTV camera monitoring every class and corner of the campus.
11. Parents can do online payments using various payment options like UPI, Net Banking and Payment Gateway.

Admission Process

1. You must visit the school get satisfied then only fill up online form. Filling form does not gurantee admission (पहले आप स्कूल विजिट कर ले और संतुस्ट होने के बाद ऑनलाइन फॉर्म भरें| सिर्फ फॉर्म भरने से एडमिशन की गारंटी नहीं है|)

2. In case seat is available in that class, School management will get in touch with you. Candidate willl be given a convenient date for online assessment. Candidate will be required to visit our campus with android mobile for the assessment. (यदि उस वर्ग में सीट उपलब्ध होगा तो स्कूल का मैनेजमेंट आपसे संपर्क करेगा कैंडिडेट को ऑनलाइन असेसमेंट के लिए एक तारीख दिया जाएगा| उस तारीख को कैंडिडेट को ऑनलाइन असेसमेंट के लिए एंड्राइड मोबाइल लेकर आना होगा)

3. On given date candidate will appear in the online assessment. Outcome of online assessment will be displayed on the mobile then and there at realtime. (दिए गए तारीख को कैंडिडेट को ऑनलाइन अस्सेस्मेंट में भाग लेना होगा| ऑनलाइन असेसमेंट का परिणाम फ़ौरन रियल टाइम पर उनके मोबाइल पर ही आ जाएगा)

4. In case the candidate qualifies, there will be oral assessmentarents. (यदि कैंडिडेट सफल होता है तो उसका ओरल असेसमेंट किया जाएगा)

5. Successful candidate will be given offer to join the school within given time period after payment of required fee and submission of required documents. (सफल कैंडिडेट को एक समय सीमा के अंदर फीस व डॉक्यूमेंट को जमा करके स्कूल में एडमिशन का ऑफर दिया जाएगा)

6. Since BGPS is a technology centric school, before making application please ensure that you will provide android phone to your child as and when needed and also view the messages sent on the App provided by the school. (बी जी पी एस एक टेक्नोलॉजी आधारित स्कूल है अतः एडमिशन के लिए आवेदन देने से पूर्व यह सुनिश्चित कर लें की आप जरूरत के अनुसार अपने बच्चे को एंड्राइड मोबाइल मुहैय्या करा पाएंगे और स्कूल द्वारा भेजे गए संवादों को एप्प में देखेंगे)

7. As per the Govt. norms any student taking admission in BGPS will have to bring Transfer Certificate with valid Permanent Education Number on the Certificate. (सरकार के नियम के अनुसार कोई बच्चा यदि एडमिशन लेता है तो उसे ट्रान्सफर प्रमाण पत्र जिसपर पेरमानेंट एडुकेशन नंबर अंकित हो देना पडेगा )

8. Do you want to continue (क्या आप आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं ) Yes (हाँ)